A SAFE place for pre-teens and teens to start a business and get work experience
An interactive program made exclusively for Pre-Teens and Teens (Program Members). It combines inspiration, fun and learning through realistic experiences at home and at school. Program Members can independently explore exciting careers that they can try. The Program is fueled by members’ natural desire to create, explore and collaborate. It is equal parts entertainment and learning.
Through realistic experiences, Members learn about different careers, the inner-workings of society, and the concept of managing money. Each experience is designed to empower members, giving them the confidence to be their best selves, and inspiration to be great global citizens. The Program uses real-world fun and learning to ready Members for a better world.
The Program is entirely web and mobile-centric which makes it easy to access anytime and anywhere. It is part social media platform, part on-line banking, and part secure file sharing and collaboration. There is also RFID technology behind the debit card and card readers. We are planning to build our e-currency on blockchain with smart contracts in the too distant future to improve upon its security and ease of use for members and merchants.
Our social media platform is a private member community hence access is restricted and we have moderators to ensure only members of the schools that subscribe to the program have access to it. We have our own moderators to enforce rules for safe conduct by members, and we also give schools five (5) FREE accounts for teachers to monitor the activities of members of their school on the platform. Members are identifiable by their school on their accounts and thus our moderators can report activities to the relevant teachers for action if necessary. Our moderators can remove members if necessary if they breach any of the program rules of behavior and conduct.
Online banking platform has secure authentication, password management, two-factor authentication, touch ID, and pins.
We take our personal data privacy policy very seriously and thus keep all data of members securely and do not use such data without gaining written authorisation from schools.
We do not permit pornography, adult content or nudity. To clarify what we define as adult content, nudity or pornography, networks that contain the following would clearly NOT be allowed:
Depictions or images of sexual acts or implied sexual activity
Nudity (exposed or see-through coverage of areas typically covered by a bathing suit or underwear)
Graphic photos or videos
Sales, Marketing and Social Networking Skills (LinkedIn for Pre-Teens / Teens) - Connect
Job Centre and talent hub with a range of Jobs from which Members derive a weekly pay in Staters, an e-currency
Virtual Community Bank with RFID Cards, Online Banking, Mobile App Banking and ATMs
Virtual Mall for members to spend some of their well earned Staters
Business School for entrepreneurial and money management skills
“THE MORE YOU LEARN THE MORE EARN” a quote by Warren Buffet