SHAREMIND psychologist clinic
SHAREMIND Psychologist Clinic is looking for a skilled Counselor. See poster below for more information on what a Counselor is expected to do.
For more information on SHAREMIND please click HERE
SHAREMIND would like its Counselors to work from home, and on a weekly basis produce explanation sheets that talk about how our services address particular situations faced by our clients. The aforementioned situations could be anything from
• Moving from home
• Changing a school
• Bullying
• Becoming a teenager
• Pressures of exam
• Making a critical decision
• How to relate with parents that do not listen
• Controlling my emotional urges
• Anger management
• Self belief and confidence
Each explanation sheet on any of the above should address
• The challenge or problem and how it impacts every day living
• Ideas from a phsycologist
Each week choose from any of the above situations to talk about in your explanation sheet.
We plan to use what you send us to help with our outreach to people that might be experiencing such problems.
STA 150 per week